FireGlass , fire glass, fire glass, fireplace, fire pit, modern fireplaces fire pits,
Moderustic Aquatic Glassel Fireplace Glass Rocks Propane FireplacesModerustic Aquatic Glassel Fireplace Glass Rocks Propane Fireplaces 909 989 6129

Copper Blue G251FR Topping

Clear Base Glass,

Cobalt Blue Topper,

Azurlite Base Glass for one very nice fire pit and back yard!
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The fire pit below is in Newport Beach California at Newport Coast Development. We replaced a hot spark ignition which did not work, with our
IPI (intermittent Pilot Ignition) electronic ignition system.  The fire pit was 18" deep and 48" across. This is what was installed:
1 =  IPI Electronic Ignition for Natural Gas connected to a 1" gas line
1300 lbs crushed lava
144 lbs Clear Base Glass for a 2" fill over the crushed lava
36" triple stainless steel burner ring
We will show you from beginning to end:
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Looked pretty nasty  when we got there
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We started to pour the crushed lava with our electronic ignition being raised to the surface by the lava rock
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We built a double box to protect the equipment in the fire pit as well
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The ring is now installed
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The electronics  can be accessed if ever there was a failure of the equipment and you can access it from the surface. Before the equipment was 20 inches below the surface, not a very good idea!
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Now we poured the 144 lbs of Clear Base Glass over the crushed lava
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We only did the fire pit, not the view. That came with the home. But one very impressive view!
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As you have looked at all of our pictures we would like you to know we use Crystals as our Toppers and Toppings. We don't use "Recycled" glass, ever! We are actually the only company that produces Crystals for fireplace and fire pits.
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We tried to get pictures of it burning, but the flames just didn't show. Look above and you can see a flicker in the daylight. Actually the flames were over 16" tall but you can't see this in daylight.The contractor will get a few night pictures when they and if they can. 
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The fire pit below is a custom fire pit in Covina, California with one really great back yard design. This back yard was designed for great parties. If you look and see the glass wall with the etching you will also see the fire pit in the back ground. The glass that was used: Gray Base Glass and Clear Pyrite Base Glass, Gold Reflective Base Glass, and Copper Blue Topper. This is one really good looking table.
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The fireplace below has

Starfire base with

Copper Blue Topper

Cobalt Blue Topper

Dark Red Orange Topper

Cherry Red Topper

Jade Green Topper

Lime Green Topper

Pale Lime Green Topper

Black Topper

and Lilac Topper


What make us different from anyone else is what we offer you as a selection. We offer hundreds of colors, sizes, textures, variations, categories and more importantly we set the standard which everyone else can only try to imitate us. We welcome your comments and suggestions so please send us your comments.Imitation is the highest form of flattery, thank you.

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The fireplace pictures below have a Starfire Base Glass, Gold Base Glass and Copper Blue Topper.

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You have to admit, this is one interesting fireplace design!

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Copper Blue G251 Frit







9467 9th street Unit D

Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730


Our Glass is SAFE and See Why!

Safe Glass
 We  Appreciate Your Comments & Feed Back. Please
Send Your E-mails or Click HERE to Submit a Survey!

909-989-6129  Fax: 909-944-3811 
or E-mail us at | 909-989-6129

9467 9th street Unit D

Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730


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