FireGlass , fire glass, fire glass, fireplace, fire pit, modern fireplaces fire pits,
Moderustic Aquatic Glassel Fireplace Glass Rocks Propane FireplacesModerustic Aquatic Glassel Fireplace Glass Rocks Propane Fireplaces 909 989 6129

What else can Fireglass be used for?

Other Uses of Aquatic Glassel

The project below has Pink Rosa Base Glass, Azurlitee Glass, Starfire Base Glass, Black Base Glass, Neo Lavender Shift Topping, Red Topping, Amber Base Glass and Evergreen Reflective Base Glass. This is now a window in Palm Springs and produced by Dan Tipton, tell him what you think.

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In addition to the use of Aquatic Glassel in your fireplace or fire pit, Aquatic Glassel is used in a variety of other applications. In Your Potted Plants. Here are two large pots containing giant bird of paradise.

Flowers could be planted around the bird of paradise. But they need to be maintained and won't always be in bloom.  Instead, we will beautify the pot with Pink Rosa Base Glass. We cut some grass cloth and covered the dirt with it. Then we poured some Pink Rosa Aquatic Glassel over the grass cloth.

In Your Post Lights. Here is a regular post light. We want to add some sparkle to it. We take the top of the light off.

Now we pour in some Evergreen Reflective BAse Glass Aquatic Glassel fire glass.  That's better.

These lights really sparkle whether its day or night.

Painted Terracotta FireballsPainted Terracotta FireballsPainted Metallic Green Terracotta FireballPainted Terrecotta fireball Midnight Blue 909-989-6129

9467 9th street Unit D

Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730


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9467 9th street Unit D

Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730


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New FireBalls Version 2024

Moderustic Aquatic Glassel Fireplace Glass Rocks Propane Fireplaces